Never Started Periods?

Why Periods Might Be Absent: The Fun and Simple Guide! 

If puberty signs are there (like breasts or body hair) but no periods, the causes include:
  1.  Nature: For late bloomers sometimes, nature's just taking its sweet time! Periods should show up by age 18, just hang tight! It will eventually show up. In the medical world we call this constitutional delay. 
  2. Hormone Mix-Ups: Issues with thyroid hormones or too much prolactin (a milk-making hormone) can delay the period. This requires a blood test. In the medical world we call this endocrine disorders, e.g. thyroid disorders, hyperprolactinaemia.
  3. Plumbing Problems: Things like a blocked hymen or a missing uterus/vagina can stop the flow before it starts. This requires a healthcare examination. In the medical world we call this genitourinary malformations, e.g. imperforate hymen, absent uterus/vagina.  A gynaecologist is a trained specialist in female health and will be happy to help!

If puberty signs are missing (no breasts or body hair) and no periods, the causes include:
  1. Body on Pause: Stress, over-exercising, or being underweight (like in the "female athlete triad" see below) can tell the body it's not ready for puberty just yet. In the medical world we call this functional hypothalamic amenorrhoea. 
  2. Genetic Mix-Up: Conditions like Turner syndrome can change how the body develops, including periods. In the medical world we call this chromosomal irregularities. 
  3. Ovary Burnout: Past chemo, radiation, or autoimmune issues can stop the ovaries from working properly. In the medical world we call this primary ovarian insufficiency. 
  4. Rare Brain Signals Issues: Sometimes, the brain's messaging system (hypothalamus or pituitary gland) isn't working right, due to rare problems like tumours or Kallman's syndrome (a condition that can affect puberty).

You asked...

What is Turner Syndrome?

It is a condition that affects girls and women. It happens when one of the X chromosomes (the "instruction manual" for the body) is missing or incomplete. This can cause short height, delayed puberty, and sometimes issues with fertility or heart problems. It's something you're born with, and doctors can help manage the symptoms!

What is the Female Athlete Triad?

It is a medical condition often seen in women and girls who participate in sports or activities that emphasise a lean body or low weight. It involves three interconnected issues:

  1. Low Energy Availability (with or without an eating disorder):

    • This happens when the body doesn't get enough fuel (calories) to match the energy it's burning during intense exercise.
    • It might be due to not eating enough or overtraining.
  2. Menstrual Irregularities (like missed periods):

    • The body senses it doesn't have enough energy to support both exercise and reproduction, so it slows down or stops menstruation (functional hypothalamic amenorrhoea).
  3. Low Bone Density:

    • Not enough calories and missed periods lead to low levels of oestrogen, a hormone crucial for healthy bones.
    • This increases the risk of stress fractures and long-term bone issues like osteoporosis.

In short:

It's a cycle of too little fuel, hormone disruption, and weak bones, often affecting athletes who push their bodies hard without enough recovery or nutrition. It's important to address all three parts of the triad with proper nutrition, rest, and medical care.

Not sure about the cause of your missing period or need more advice?